Tuesday, March 22, 2011

first TNR. 80's music??

so while riding my first TNR of the year - i realized i know the perfect soundtrack.

anyways, we cruised up winkler's creek to russ cornett (the attacks began 9 minutes in. so much for a warm-up - some of us worked until 6pm boohoo) to poplar grove up shulls mill then BRP to the 321 to aho rd then down BRP to bamboo then back on deerfield. i was a little confused that our peloton slow rolled (well, most people accelerated actually) the three-way stopsign at bamboo deerfield to setup their sprinters for the prestigious town line sprint:

still - i think we should 'stop' a little better at the stop-sign. anyways - the ride was fast, good, but fast. my avg speed was 16.97mph (including a small ring booty loop). avg power was 173w. i set 11 new peak power records including 1min at 391w... kind of dorky, but cool if you're a power user too. if not, well, point your fingers and laugh. sure i deserve it. charts/numbers that may or may not mean anything to you:

yummy veggie pizza for dinner. off to bed. mtb tomorrow. thanks for reading. jg

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sprint doesn't exist without rolling that stop sign. We could make a quasi sprint with some white paint a little further out.
