Saturday, February 23, 2008

2008 bicycle racing umm "schedule"

hello faithful readers... and by that i mean the people that actually look at this because they're bored and and didn't have enough to keep them entertained... anyways, you know who you are. and well.

this is my 2008 'schedule'

6-Apr SERC 2 Tsali, NC
13-Apr GSC 2 Columbus, GA
19-Apr Cohutta 100 Ducktown, TN
4-May SERC 4 Ducktown, TN
23-May BURN 24hr Wilkesboro, NC
15-Jun SERC 6 Clemson, SC

29-Jun Grimes/Alexander Wedding

27-Jul ORAMM (100km) Old Fort, NC
16-Aug Fool's Gold 100 Dahlonega, GA
31-Aug Shenandoah 100 Harrisonburg, VA
20-Sep 12 Hours @ Dauset Jackson, GA

i'll go ahead and shout out to Sam Hutchens for agreeing to mechanic/support/feed/cook/stay up all night/etc at the burn 24 for me. i'm also shouting out to kenda for hooking up the Columbus Bike Racing Team with tires. i can't wait to mount up some new rubber on my new cannondale rush. the coolest cannondale rep in the southeast got me hooked up with a new rush carbon and got some trick parts hung on it. pictures will come soon...

in sad news i must say and pause to remember Scott Matty who was killed recently near Columbus, GA when a car collided with he and another rider. the other rider, jeff davis, is in critical condition. these things make me worry about riding on the road but i'm reminded that getting out on a bike is one of the best things there is, and as good as the roads are, we're taking a risk every time. i'll say i think its worth it

we're looking for a good long mtb ride tomorrow in the wilson creek area. hopefully i'll have some sort of report and maybe even pictures... i gotta get back on updating this thing for all the inquiring minds. enjoy.