Monday, March 12, 2007

Morgan Hill, California.

I left Boone at 4:30am ET. Got to Charlotte at 7:00am. Snuck to the front of the security checkpoint line and convinced two old people to let me in, and then ran to the plane with only minutes to spare. Oops.

I got some awesome pictures of the Rocky Mountains and Nevada and maybe one or two of the rolling green California hills. We landed, I found my bag on the conveyor belt. Then headed to the shuttle van. The driver must have been going 90mph on the interstate.

Our hotel sort of sucks. Its in this part of town with a big shopping area across from it. But all the stores are like run down or closed or whatever. Anyways. We went over to Target and got some snacks and water. Now I'm sitting at the hotel. I talked to Darcy a few times. That was nice. I miss her.



Anonymous said...

I miss you too baby. tomato :-)

annabeck said...

did someone delete their facebook? i tried to find you on there the other day but to no avail ... luckily i remembered this trusty old blogspot of yours.