Monday, January 24, 2005

raining cats and dogs

dont remember if i wrote about saturday. it was hectic. saturday night we went to ruby tuesday, then rented the graduate and got abuot halfway through it before sleep took over. sunday i ate with my parents. then karlie and i took my dog kasco for a walk at the riverwalk and then to rachel's house. her dog and mine didnt make friends as we'd hoped. oh well.

then we got karlie's pictures developed from boone, nc. theyre good. then we finished the graduate and started bridget jones diary. we'll probably finish it tonite. we're about to go to school. peace.

Friday, January 21, 2005


relief finally.

its so good to have someone that can make your day better just by seeing them. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

work schmerk

last week, for the first time since working at the bike shop, i thought to myself "i dont wanna go to work today." i thought the same thing today. this whole software thing sucks. i stared at a computer screen for five hours. ugh. cant wait until we get done.

karlie is the best girlfriend ever. i still cant believe i am so fortunate. i am looking foward to what the future holds for us, but i dont want to jinx anything, so thats all im gonna say about that.

i have a meeting at the pastoral institute for servant leadership at 8am. on a completely different note... we finally finished "how to lose a guy in 10 days." we started it like tuesday last week. and on another completely different note... i am going to do my first downhill race on feb. 5th up in fontana dam NC. and the race is at night. how cool is that? should be nice and scary. but we'll have lights. and hopefully a "pit crew" of buddies and a few coolers. hehe.


Saturday, January 15, 2005

a short post

went to work today. it was super hectic. our "go live" date is nearing, and emotions are flying. not to mention i got a call simultaneously from wisconsin and somewhere else. while there were twenty people in the store. and trying to sell a bike at the same time. left there, got karlie, went to see meet the fockers. left there, went to a keg party, got hunch punch spilled on me by some girl. on my substitute teacher jacket, we played a quick (i lost first) and embarrassing game of never have i ever. then promptly called it a night. leaving for SC in a few hours. peace and bugs.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

pink is for wussies

i realized last night that this blog is becoming a means of communication... its like "who needs phones when you have blogs?" well, maybe not that extreme.

continuing where yesterday's post left off...i went to senior seminar. it should be nice and challenging. we have to present a chapter of our text to the class, choose a research topic, present that to our class, write a 8-15 pg paper on the same topic, and (optional) present the same topic to the school's student colloquium. he said that would pretty much be an automatic A for the course though. hmmm. and we have to formally write the solution for a problem on our weekly problem sheet. the subjects range from college algebra to real analysis and abstract algebra. should be fun.

i left class and went straight to phenix city to ride with kevin and matt. we got there right as the sun was setting, and relied on our trusty lightsets to keep on track. granted only one person reading this has any clue what the trail is like out there...but its truly like riding a different trail. i for once felt like the wussie of the group. matt and kevin, both in their 40's, were hauling ass down twisty unforgiving singletrack. during the daytime, you can pick and choose a line around roots and depressions, and well, at night your main concern is just staying between the trees. i remember one specific section when i got a little too proud... i'm like "man guys, this section separates the boys..." and it really does, especially in the dark. its up by the dam, after you start coming back south, theres inumerable switchbacks and a series of uphill sideways log crossings. i made it over the two difficult ones and then spoke my pride, and then clipped my handlebars on a tree. i think the tree actually just jumped out, but who knows. so that really put me back in my place. we did keep a pretty good pace, we rode 7.3 miles in about 2 hours. thats not really a good pace for the standard XC trail, but anybody who rides the trail of tears in PC, alabama knows. Its sorta like the cirle of trust. Meet the Parents? well, maybe not a circle of trust, but anyways.

so i left the trail around 8:30pm, went home, showered, went to attempt calculus problems i had no idea how to do (its been a while). ddand a bowl of kashi rice puff cereal, and diet v-8 splash (made with splena not aspartame, mmmm good) and came to school. i get to go skiing this weekend. should be fun. peace love and bugs.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

school is cool

hehe. what a goofy title.

i am not going to type much, as i have yet another class starting in about 37 seconds, yes i know i will be late, but man it is all good. i had health at 9:30am, then non-western culture at 11:00, then wore a toga to my art history at 1:30pm, then worked out, it felt so good, then came here (library) and am currently running late for senior seminar in math.

this semester is going to be awesome though, my non western professor was like: "we're going to watch seven years in tibet, last samurai and sailor moon." okay, were not watching sailor moon, but i was singing that barenaked ladies song...anyways.

tonight, around 2am is officially a month of boyfriend-girlfriend-ness between me and karlie, or rather karlie and i, whichever you prefer. that makes me happy. i cant believe she put up with me that long. hehe. and if i remember correctly, there is another kb having their one month soon. anyways, like a built in reminder.

leaving for class, then riding mtn bikes in the dark. woooo hoooo.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

great days

friday night was a good time. i went to fountain city around 9:30 and listened to BJ and joel and this other guy play guitar, and it was slow so karlie got to sit down with me a bunch, and i looked at bike porn online. And we left and well...thats all. hehe

woke up next to her, which is such a great feeling. I went to the bike shop and we were pretty damn busy. And Lisa, an older lady that rides, brought me and byron a margarita in a water bottle. That made work much more fun. I got to leave about an hour and a half early, and walked around broadway with karlie and joel. So i went home for the first time in a day or two, and headed back downtown. I hung out with joel most of the night, we met and hung out with karlie's roommates (before she even met them) and played Halo2. I was embarrassed after the first couple games, but got warmed up and won against brian. kevin succeeded in putting me back in my place, and that was it for halo.

sunday morning i woke up, met Josum Grillo (a badass ranger guy) at the bike shop, and we headed over to the trail. we rode for about three hours. I had a personal first, Yay! there's this skinny ladder by our log rides that lots of people ride up and over, but as far as I know, Paul Luker was the only person (before yesterday) to launch off the top. I did twice. It was super F-in scary, because the landing is almost vertical (so it seems) and about a foot and a half wide.

So I ate lunch with Karlie, worked a crossword puzzle, cleaned out my car, sat through a "talk" with my mom, then went to play Halo 2 with the boys. Karlie showed up and eventually went to the other room to spy on their location with the flag. she's getting the idea. we were playing headlong CTF and they had some really good flag hiding spot. haha.

now its monday, I'm at school. Found out this morning my perfect schedule ain't so perfect. our servant leadership class that was supposed to meet three or four times this semester is now meeting EVERY friday. What's up with that? Oh well. I got really good oatmeal earlier at Publix, that made breakfast good. later. jg

Thursday, January 06, 2005


its thursday, i work today, tomorrow, sunday and monday. ugh. we're doing a physical inventory of the store. that'll be fun. not. i rode my singlespeed down from home today. it was a good ride, i had like a 14mph avg. the past few days have been really good. i've been with karlie a bunch. i know she's getting tired of me, so i'll try to find something else to do tonight.

night before last we (me her denise and april from kinnucans) watched "meet the parents." i liked it, never saw it before. now i need to see meet the fockers. i cant believe it, but my parents have already seen it! so last night we (me her) watched garden state. its a semi-artsy film with zach braff and natalie portman. and to my amazement, natalie portman said fuck. anyways. its a good movie. watch it.

so school is starting monday. well, for me it starts tuesday, not to brag or anything... but i have the best senior year spring semester schedule in university history. ren. art to 1800, golf, concepts of fitness, servant leadership biography, senior seminar in math (think i am gonna research topology), and asian religious traditions. all my classes are tuesday thursday, and for my first semester ever, i dont have ANY night classes. wooooooooooo hoooooooooooo! thats all for now. i have a quizno's turkey sandwich waiting to get eaten. yum.


p.s. for anyone posting, please put your name if you post. thanks. :)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

wasted days

its sunday evening. i have succeeded in doing absolutely nothing today. i woke up around 8am, took a shower, went back to sleep until 2 or so, ate lunch, slept some more, went to fountain city for coffee and inspiration to write in my journal, and now i'm about to eat dinner. i am feeling better, at least my fever is gone.

i miss karlie. she is in atlanta, but moving back to columbus tomorrow. i'll be seeing her tomorrow to help her move in to Rankin. thats all for now. jg

Saturday, January 01, 2005


i finally made it to the ER for something other than a mountain biking accident. ha. the other day i had a 104 degree fever. it sucked. but i'm feeling better now.

last night was a good time. i spent it with rachel, wayne, suzanne, ashley ? c/gra(i)g ?? coach jim, cheryl, and a twelve year old Yale grad. okay, thats an exaggeration, she's at least 16. so we just hung around wayne's place and i watched everyone else sip/gulp away at an assortment of mixed drinks. i didn't partake (the codiene cough syrup and alcohol dont mix) but did have a sip or twelve of champagne. we took off around 1:15am or so.

I didnt do much the rest of the day, took a four hour nap, then went to wayne's to watch The Thomas Crown Affair. thats about it. going home to go to sleep.